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About us

The Federation of Indian Airlines (FIA) is an apex industry body which has been formed by the scheduled carriers in India. The airline industry has come together to form a single representative body, which will address a collaborative growth-agenda for the industry and focus on Inter-airline cooperation across different issues.

FIA, as the voice of India's airline industry, works to identify and take up issues on behalf of the industry, with various regulatory authorities, government departments and other key stake-holders. The Federation provides a platform for consensus building amongst the member carriers.

The focus for FIA and its activities is safety, passenger amenities, ground services, aviation protocols among others with an overall objective of safety & growth in the Indian aviation sector. FIA will also build a repository of data and its analyses, in order to meaningfully contribute to debates focusing on key issues in the aviation sector.

The functioning of the FIA is guided by an Executive Council, comprising chiefs of each of the member airlines. A permanent secretariat of the FIA has been put in place to take forward diverse initiatives, which will result in overall aviation growth in the country.

India's aviation sector has emerged as a strong growth engine for the national economy. Airlines, which have been at the core of this remarkable market expansion, have played an important role in providing connectivity. FIA believes that the airline industry can play a positive role in driving India's economic growth. India's nascent aviation growth story needs the airlines to leverage synergies and resources for a healthy outlook for the sector.

FIA is also establishing working relationships with other international agencies in the aviation sector, including Int'l Air Transport Association (IATA), International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) among others. The apex body will assess and track global developments in the Aviation industry and disseminate information on these developments.

Key Officials

Mr. Rahul Bhatia

Mr. Ujjwal Dey
Associate Director